Data Analysis and Viz Projects

Data projects are kind of hard to put onto a portfolio, because you can't really take something from work and post it publicly, so I try to add ones that I've done is my spare time. All Tableau vizzes are hosted using Tableau Public.

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Boba Comparisons

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This is a pretty involved project, so I wrote two blog posts about it here and here. It is a continuation of a prior project which used a limited dataset to analyze Bay Area boba shops, but this time with updated data and an attempt at a Google Cloud Services data pipeline.

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Chicago Bikeshare

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This is a case study using data from bikeshare in Chicago to determine the major differences between casual users and members, and recommend marketing strategies to convert casual users to members. Again, this project can be found in a blog post here.

screenshot of a graph

WSB Performance

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I wrote a web scraper using BeautifulSoup to pull all posts on the Wall Street Bets Subreddit that were tagged with "YOLO" or had "YOLO" in the title. The goal was to see if there was any sort of trend (like more "YOLOing" when the market is up). Sadly, Reddit limits the number of posts displayed in any setting to only 1000, and they eliminated their filter by date API, so I was only able to get 10 days' worth of data before hitting the page limit. It still sort of answers the original question though: "YOLOing" seems to happen entirely randomly and independent of the market.

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