Portfolio Site
This site! This site was built using Jekyll and is currently hosted on CloudFlare Pages, which is in a beta release as of this writing.
View Live ⌨️ View codeI got started with JAMstack fairly recently, maybe about 2020. It's great for simple sites and blogs. Admittedly I don't utilize the "A" (APIs) much, but that's because beyond something like comments or Instagram feeds, you can do everything yourself. Usually I use Jekyll since it's in Ruby, but I have been exploring Hugo and Gatsby, so keep an eye out for those.
This site! This site was built using Jekyll and is currently hosted on CloudFlare Pages, which is in a beta release as of this writing.
View Live ⌨️ View codeThis is my freelance site. It's seperate from this site for many reasons but importantly it's built on Jekyll and hosted on Netlify.
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